VCCA 2022
Legal information

Top list of all courses


Active courses : 7
Archived courses : 0
participating faculties : 1
participating institutes : 0
registered administrators : 1
registered lecturers : 81
registered tutors : 10
registered authors : 428
Postings : 0
Documents : 66
linked files : 0

Dates : 20
Announcements : 0

Questionnaire : 0

Evaluations : 2
Wiki pages : 0

the most participants

  1. Main Room (516)
  2. Room D (514)
  3. Room B (514)
  4. Room A (514)
  5. Room C (514)
  6. Lounge (18)
  7. Aufnahmen der Tagung:VCCA 2022 (2)

lastly created

  1. Aufnahmen der Tagung:VCCA 2022 (09.06.2022 06:00:32)
  2. Room C (25.05.2022 08:56:13)
  3. Room D (24.05.2022 09:32:51)
  4. Lounge (17.05.2022 09:53:56)
  5. Room B (17.05.2022 09:44:43)
  6. Room A (17.05.2022 09:14:55)
  7. Main Room (17.05.2022 09:07:35)

the most documents

  1. Room B (18)
  2. Main Room (17)
  3. Room A (16)
  4. Room D (7)
  5. Room C (2)

the most active courses (number of posting within in the last two weeks)

the most favoured profiles (visitors)

  1. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Deniz Baskent (14)
  2. Anna Warzybok-Oetjen (10)
  3. Prof. Dr. Volker Hohmann (10)
  4. Prof. Dr. Eliene Araújo (10)
  5. Dr. Karina De Sousa (9)
  6. Jan-Willem Wasmann (8)
  7. Hanna Dolhopiatenko (8)
  8. Theresa Jansen (7)
  9. Saskia Ibelings (6)
  10. Axel Ahrens (6)